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Part II

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Our customers with Holy Grail systems are winning consistently throughout casinos around the world with our “Holy Grails incorporating three parts within the system into one” never lose system.


Their winning ranged from mere 1 units to 200+ units per shoe based on the table limits and they are ultimately very smart, inquisitives and very professional.


Our proven “Holy Grail” been flipping all casinos upside down with hit and run tactics that they don’t even know the damages these professionals have done.


Now with the addition of “Holy Grail Part II” these players are more comfortable as they can play every hand from the second hands of the shoe and it also covers up the “Holy Grail or Part II” without any traces if they are monitored by casinos or spectators.


 Based on feedback one player from Singapore has the highest winning of near to 2 million from Asia to USA casinos and the greatest news is that they still allows him to be in their properties.


 With “Holy Grail” they can play as high as they wish with prior arrangement with the casinos for their minimum and maximum.


Lately, many players with their capabilities, played “Part II” and they loves it as they can win as much as original “Holy Grail” without the combination but with highest losses of 20 units.


 Many players are skeptical in playing flat, negative and positive progression as many believes that progression requires much higher capital.


To all these players, we would like to stressed that our “progression” systems are not what many think that winnings could be “wiped off” and recovery will be tough.


We take into consideration winning/losses must be equaled or winning must be higher than losses and not vice versa.


 Our team have been “attacking casinos” for many years using all our system played by separate players at the same table and achieved very high winning averages per shoe.


We are “imploding Las Vegas casinos to the ground” with our “military style” approach.


It is like having 2 Brigade attacking one enemy Battalion with support coming from air and heavy artilleries.


Do you think that single Battalion could withstand 2 Brigade attacks with all the support?


Ok, let me explains how it works and why it is so successful without any casualties.


 First, we approaches the table with six players with different country origin living in different States and each will play their own system.


 Our player could either wins/losses but achieved the guaranteed wins in every session of play.


 Group will have wins/losses individually, casinos will be confused as there are no one is a standout winner and we can designate winners among our group.


 Casinos are pretty smart in mix and match of players playing within a table, at times they will find out but we have six players with 12 names and we have many more “reservists” on our list.


The winning results are astronomical based on full tested live shoes and played for many years.


Below are the full results for this “ 1st Brigade attack” systems (3 systems each requiring 150 Units capital x 3 = 450 units):


Winning percentage for these combined systems is 56%


Losses percentage of these combined systems is 44%


Highest losses of 450 units is 11.4%


Highest win from 450 units to 1887 units is 23%


Average winning is 127 units per shoe for 1st Brigade


And the 2nd Brigade will carry simultaneous attacks with another 3 proven Flat and Positive Progression systems requires 10 to 20 units capital and their winning percentages are near or the same as the 1st Brigade.


Playing these systems simultaneously requires lots of support financially and not many are “qualified” to do it.


We have been playing these systems for those certified “Born Losers” that never recovers from their years of losing in the game of baccarat.


For these “born Losers”, they are either our customers or players that could not control “brain fucked brain” and will never win at any given session but they are smart enough to invest in our “never lose approach of Brigade attacks” that guarantees 20% returns for amount they “funded” us.


Other than “Dragon Holy Grail of Baccarat” most of our systems are flat, positive or flat, negative and positive progression systems.


 Simply click and it will leads you to our product page.

Again, my congratulations’ to all “Holy Grail” systems owners that you have got back what you have paid.


 All my systems are now “MSRP” with no further discount.


Payments plan is still available.


Thank you to all that supported us for the past 20 years.


 It is unbelievable that customers after lapse of between 10 to 20 years still buy from us and playing our systems.


 Our systems are “no bulls but proven to have winning average” and we are still going strong.

Keep winning in every session.

Call us at 1-877-MINIBAC (646-4222)


Copyright © 2001 Dragon Baccarat System. All rights reserved.