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Part II
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Dragon's Holy Grail of Baccarat Part II

All our system are substantiated All our system are substantiated with winning averages and it is statistically proven with winning average; all orders are accompanied with DVD/CDR displaying well over 35K hands played hand by hand from the very first hand to the last hand.

Detail of winning/losses units with winning averages from the first to last shoe.


No competitors will ever show you all these detailed results.


 It will blows you apart once you see the detailed results.


 Here is the much awaited news of the Dragon's Holy Grail of Baccarat Part 2 and pricing it for the professionals.


 Our prices are based on the capital requirements, winning averages and strength of the system. Since it’s a flat bet system can be played with either 20 or 10 units’ capital requirement and having the same winning average.


We’re comparing the strength of Phoenix’s Holy Grail of Baccarat which requires 10 units capital but played with less hand with slightly less winning averages.


Statistics for Dragon’s Holy Grail of Baccarat:


• 20 units


• Out of 500 shoes played 35762 and we played from first to last hand of the shoe.


• Winning 18347 hands and hit rate is 52%


• Winning percentages is 55%


• Winning ranged from 20 to 42 units is 11%


• Highest losses of 20 units is 5.8% • Gross wins is 1416 units averages 2.8 units per shoe


 • Net win is 2 units per shoe Verses


• 10 units


 • Out of 500 shoes played 31244 and we played from first to last hand of the shoe


 • Winning 16044 hands and hit rate is 52%


 • Winning percentages is 55%


• Winning ranged from 10 to 42 units is 25% • Highest losses of 10 units is 30%


 • Gross wins is 1276 units averages 2.6 units per shoe


• Net win is 2 units per shoe Less hand with less commission thus averages about the same as max losses 20 units


Weighing pros n cons, we decided to price the Dragon’s Holy Grail of Baccarat Part II for $15K (MSRP).


This is new platform totally different from Dragon or Phoenix’s Holy Grail and it is good to the last winning chip.


Again, stressed that this is new discovery from different platform and completely different from Dragon or Phoenix’s Holy Grail of Baccarat.


Good Luck to everyone and we encourages all to buys during this promotional period of 30 days.

Natural 9...Never Lose!


1 TO 5 78 15.6 15.6
6 TO 10 71 14.2 29.8
11 TO 15 40 8 37.8
15 TO 20 37 7.4 45.2
21 TO 25 22 4.4 49.6
26 TO 30 19 3.8 53.4
31 TO 35 7 1 54.4
36 TO 40 1 0.2 54.6
41 TO 45 1 0.2 54.8
 # SHOE +274 WIN % 54.8%
UNIT - #SHOES % % -
1 TO 5 96 19.2 19.2
6 TO 10 55 11 30.2
11 TO 15 29 5.8 36
15 TO 20 37 7.4 43.4
# Shoe -217 Losses% 43.4


Copyright © 2001, Dragon Baccarat System. All rights reserved.