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April 18th 2008

Advanced Level Version 2

Our Advanced Level 2 have been our top seller since 2002 and been rated one of the very best system available in the market. Guaranteed winning average of 35 units net per shoe with all sorts of betting sequences incorporated within the betting sequences. Player's been playing it professionally full time with this system and never look back at all, period! Check it out from our competitors and see if they could match us with this sorts of winning average.

April 18th 2008

Singapore casino 2009
Another victim for our Casino Buster Club members. Edward aka Sinkapolan our chief over this territories (Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia(underground casino) is "drooooooling" for the official opening.

Casino Buster Club  
Members Benefits & Entitlements Members Fee US$100K

Natural 9 system

Group live play in casino with guaranteed winning of at least 50% with initial capital layout

Any available systems(with guaranteed winning average per shoe) from our library

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Contact us for available date or 1on1 course
Phoenix Ultimate Blackjack Course!
Course will covers the basic of playing blackjack to the ultimate system that no mathematician can beleives it's a winning systems that averages ranges from one hundred percent or more as per capital/hour of play. Call early to avoid disappointment.

Strictly Non Refundable for all systems from this site  
Strictly No Refund Policy
All "Buyers" agreed between the "seller"
all systems will have no refund due to the
"seller" concepts and methodologies put
forth in the manual is proprietary
intellectual products.




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